
They called upon all good men and true, who so might desire, to enlist under Captain Edward Amherst, to fight the French and the Indians. It was also noted that some skirmishes might take place before the arrival of Sir Francis with his men. The notices, which were posted on the door of the church among other places, also set forth that applicants would be examined at Salem inn.

52Never had a day seemed so pleasant. Birds were singing away trilling the first few notes of mating songs. The trees waved their branches in the wind as it sighed through them. I felt in my veins the blood beginning to tingle, as the sap in the trees swells out the buds.

I finished my task, the while breathing in deep of the balmy air. I wanted something, I knew not what. To be acting, fighting, leading my men on. I wanted to walk, to run, to leap, to--in short, I suppose, to give way to that energy which health brings to every man.

I went on with little thought of where I was going until turning near where the old elm stands, down near the dead oak, I found myself in front of the house where Lucille dwelt. It was the first time I had been so near it since the night I brought her home from the glen. I was about to pass on, though I wanted to stop, but scarce dared to. As I dawdled past the gate, in two minds whether or no I should make bold and knock, I saw her in the garden.

It was too late to draw back now, had I wished to, for she had heard my step, and, looking up, she smiled.

Good day, Captain,” she said.

Good day to you, Mistress Lucille,” I made reply, and then there was silence between us, while I stood there as awkwardly as a school boy, though she was as cool as only a maid can be who knows that it is for the man to make the next advance. Not that she was altogether at 53her ease, for, by looking closely, I saw a faint tinge of red mounting upward in her cheeks.

You see,” I began, I come--I hardly expected your words the other day--I----” and, then, in desperation, lest I might turn and run in the very face of the enemy, I straightened up, drew my good sword and saluted her as I would my gracious Queen.

You have commanded me and I am here,” I said.



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